Posts tagged CKE Restaurants.

Puzder.flickrCC.GageSkidmore 2
Andrew Puzder

The confirmation hearing for Andrew Puzder, President Trump's nominee for Secretary of Labor, is supposed to take place tomorrow. While we wait to see what happens, I thought it might be fun to open a comment thread so we can opine about the issues that have been raised against him. Do you think they're legitimate? Do you think he's a good choice for Secretary of Labor, or a ...

Yesterday, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied the Trump Administration's motion to stay the temporary restraining order issued by a federal judge in Seattle. This means that the TRO, which blocks the temporary travel ban from taking effect, will remain in place. The Administration may seek review by all of the judges on the Ninth Circuit or by the U.S. Supreme ...

The confirmation hearing for Andrew Puzder, President Trump's nominee for Secretary of Labor, has been postponed yet again - now it's scheduled for Tuesday, February 7. Andrew Puzder.flickrCC.GageSkidmoreAccording to the Washington Post, Mr. Puzder has submitted his paperwork to the Office of Government Ethics, which is reviewing it and has not yet turned it over to the Senate.

Meanwhile, it was reported this week that ...

USDOL Seal.flickrCC.DonkeyHoteySources within President-Elect Donald Trump's transition team said today that Mr. Trump's nominee for Secretary of Labor would be Andy Puzder, Chief Executive Officer of CKE Restaurants, Inc., which includes Hardee's and Carl's Jr. A formal announcement is expected on Monday.

UPDATE (12/8/16): Well, I guess it's already official.

CKE's website has a bio of Mr. Puzder, but it has ...

Oh, for cryin' out loud.

Last week, a high school principal in Bangor, Maine, banned a math teacher from having a little pink Christmas holiday Hello Kitty tree in her classroom for the holidays. She says she was told it was too "religious," although I'm still trying to figure out what religion Hello Kitty is associated with.

The teacher was irritated, rightfully so, and went on Facebook ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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