Posts tagged He Said/She Said.

I assume everyone has heard by now about Gretchen Carlson's sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes, head of Fox News.

Roger Ailes gif.flickrCC.T.J.Hawk
"Bah! It's just a 'he said/she said'!"

I read the lawsuit yesterday, and some of the things that Mr. Ailes allegedly said struck me as . . . taken out of context. He has forcefully denied the allegations.

But in Ms. Carlson's defense, a number of women have ...

I'd like to thank Sarah Phaff of our Macon, Georgia, office, who wrote this post with me.

As one who presumably has no nude selfies, you may not be too concerned about a “hack” like the one that continues to afflict celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still plenty of technology issues that an employer should look out for. Are you ...

You all know that I love telecommuting, although it works better in some instances than in others.

Before any employer starts a telecommuting program, it should ask itself three questions:

1) Does the job lend itself to a telecommuting arrangement? (You can't very well assemble Cadillac Escalades from your home office, now can you?)

2) Is the employee's home worksite conducive to work ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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