Posts tagged Recreational Marijuana.

Sober up, folks! Here we go.

Minimum wage, unions, right to work, and legal weed.

Welcome to the future.

Illinois ended the old year and started the new with a bang.

"Let's turn over -- a new leaf."

More weed, and more money!

What better way to start the Labor Day weekend than with a drug test?

Here are five hot issues that employers ignore at their peril.

What effect are liberalized marijuana laws having on employer drug policies?

Maybe not as much as you'd think.

The Society for Human Resources Management just came out with a survey of employer marijuana policies in states that have legalized it in some degree. Here are some highlights from the SHRM study:

*Of 224 employers who have operations in jurisdictions that have legalized ...

Fellow blogger Jon Hyman, among others, has already written an eloquent critique of the latest report from the Office of the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board on social media and protected concerted activity, and Dan Schwartz has a good roundup of what labor lawyers are saying about it (and also a call for employers not to overreact). If you haven't read Jon and Dan, you ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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