Posts tagged Reverse Discrimination.

Employer's DEI mandate scores a win.

What's good for the goose . . .

Don't shoot from the hip.

Two recent court decisions shed some light.

Do dads have any rights in the workplace? You bet!

Has the world gone crazy?

A. No.

B. Yes.

C. The word “crazy” is a microaggression.


Welcome to our world! 

See how you do with these guaranteed true news items from the last week, all relating to employment law. Then tell me whether you agree that we are living in some crazy times. YCMTSU.*

*You Can’t Make This Stuff Up. (I think this cliche has earned an internet acronym ...

Our tax dollars at work.

In a recent lawsuit filed in federal court in Florida, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has asserted a claim of sex discrimination against a gentlemen’s club in Florida for allegedly refusing to hire a man who applied for a bartending position. According to the complaint, Sammy’s Gentlemen’s Club informed the male applicant that it “did ...

A recent study in Australia sought to determine whether “de-identifying” applications – removing any information relating to race and gender – would eliminate the effects of implicit or unconscious bias and “help promote gender equality and diversity in hiring. . . .”

Surprisingly, the study found that non-minorities and males were more likely to be hired when the ...

Negatives.Fabrice_de_Nola_-_Negative_photography.j.jpgPretty obvious, but a decision issued this week serves as a good reminder to employers that all race discrimination is illegal, whether it's against members of minority groups or whether it's against Caucasians.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reversed summary judgment for a company that allegedly told a white worker that he was being ...

It's been a while since we've had an employment law quiz, so let's do it! This one is on retaliation. As always, the answers will be provided after each question -- you have our "no-pressure" guarantee.

1. What is retaliation?

A. Getting even with somebody because he did something you don't like.

B. Denying somebody a reward (such as a pay raise) because he did something you don't ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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