Posts tagged Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

This is my "Labor Day" post. (hehe)

Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer announced this week that she is expecting twin girls, and Yahoo's stock reportedly took an immediate dive. (H8rs!) Mayer said that she plans to take only two weeks off, and she can probably manage that because she has a nice nursery right off her CEO office. (You may recall that she had it built at the same time that she outlawed ...

A reader, who has asked to remain anonymous, suggested that I write about employees who make "stupid" complaints about discrimination, harassment, or other allegedly unlawful treatment.

The following is a fictionalized email, but it accurately presents the spirit of her concern.

Dear Robin,

I am a Human Resources director for a government employer. You won't believe this, but I ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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