Posts tagged N Word.

Our new president has us all hopping . . .

Andrew Puzder's advocacy for franchises makes him a target. Dan Murphy and Jeff Rosin from our Franchise Industry Group talk about the Puzder nomination (he's Hot Dog Man.flickrCC.JeleneMorrisPresident Trump's choice for Secretary of Labor) and the groups seeking to block his confirmation. As we've noted a couple of times this week, Mr. Puzder's confirmation hearing, most ...

Just a couple of quick links today:

Hot off the press - Will  Krasnow and Jeanette Phelan have an excellent summary of the immigration Executive Order issued on Friday by President Trump and what employers should tell their employees from the "suspended seven" countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen). The quick and dirty: Do NOT leave the United States!

And our ...

Slam Dunk.JavonMcCrea.flickrCC.ChadCooper

A federal judge in Indiana dismissed yesterday all that remained of a lawsuit filed by student athletes, alleging that they were "employees" and therefore entitled to the minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Don Prophete, Jim Goh, and Steve Moore of Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP, represented the NCAA and hundreds of the university defendants.

The suit ...

When I do harassment training, I ask my audiences whether they think employers should ban the "N" word even when it's used by African-Americans among themselves. In my experience, the African-Americans in the audience have been the most vocal advocates for treating everyone equally in this regard. In other words, they argue, the word should be banned for everybody -- not banned for some ...

Robin Shea has 30 years' experience in employment litigation, including Title VII and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (including the Amendments Act). 
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