 | Tuesday 2:00 - 2:45 PM ET
The coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China, and has since spread to 50 locations around the world, including the United States. This global outbreak has left employers with many questions about how to ensure employee safety while remaining in compliance with applicable employment laws.
This webinar will address the following:
•   How to prevent workplace exposure of the virus
•   Compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act
•   State leave and paid sick leave laws
•   Avoiding disability discrimination while protecting your workforce

Please join us! The cost is complimentary, but space is limited.

Continuing Education

1.0 HRCI Credit*

1.0 SHRM Credit*

*Pending approval

DISCLAIMER: Since the time this webinar was recorded, there have been substantial changes in the government guidance and even in the underlying laws, which will impact the analysis of legal issues related to COVID-19. As such, you should seek the most up-to-date guidance from the employment lawyer of your choice.

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