Savoy Magazine

Kansas City -- Constangy partner Don Prophete was recently named to Savoy magazine's 2018 list of the most influential black lawyers in the U.S. 

In connection with this honor, Prophete spoke to the magazine about his personal journey and Constangy's commitment to promoting diversity in the legal profession.

From the article:

“While we’ve made some amazing strides in recent years, the legal profession continues to be difficult for racially diverse attorneys,” says Prophete. “I think those of us who have succeeded have a responsibility to mentor our younger colleagues and help make sure they have the opportunities and resources they need to succeed. Too many law firms see diversity as a numbers game, or a checkbox to fulfill client requests. What we’re trying to show at Constangy is that our diversity makes us better as a firm – with stronger insights into what will help make our clients successful.”

Prophete points to a wide range of research showing that organizations with greater racial and gender diversity are generally more successful and productive. “If you accept that as true, then diversity is something by clients and their law firms alike should desire, because if you have real diversity, you make more money, you are more valued, and you generate better ideas.”

The full profile is available here.


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